Just a simple Thank You

BBC Countryfile Magazine Book of the Year Award

I have been asked recently if winning the BBC Countryfile Award comes with some financial reward or fame on TV, well sadly not, these awards are a huge honour but no chance of getting out onto the fells with Ellie Harrison just yet. However, the good folk down at BBC…

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Keeping it local

Oswells, Barnard Castle

 Those who have been following my “book publishing” adventures over the past few months will have seen my network of stockists of The Wainwrights in Colour book speading on the google map here. This has taken time on my part to visit each and every one of these high street…

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And the winner could be……

TGO awards 2017

Well it is certainly busy here at the minute, things have hardly calmed down since The Wainwrights in Colour Book was launched back in May. The intervening five months have seen me fulfilling all the orders for the book both from private individuals as well as multiple orders from the…

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